Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reverie - Three

You sighed again. My neck is itching to look back and ask you what’s wrong. But I know what’s wrong, I am what’s wrong, I am the reason why. I swallowed hard contemplating on how I should’ve told you not to come instead of being excited when you said you would. But that can’t be changed now, can it? You just can’t ride the first plane back home now that you’re here, you can’t just leave me. I looked down as I walked, feeling bad about all of this, it wasn’t my idea I thought, it’s yours. It’s not my fault why you didn’t like me, not my fault why you didn’t like all of this. I didn’t force you to come, I just said yes right away when you asked me if I wanted you to come here, that’s not a sin, is it? You asked me after all.
Your voice sounded sweet when you called my name, I remembered the kiss again. Of all places, of all circumstances, why am I remembering your kiss and the way you made my knees wobble here?

--> To be Continued.

Reverie - Two

My friend dropped us somewhere I’m not too familiar with. But I know where to go and what to ride. I don’t know a lot of places but trust me, I’m never lost. Your backpack must be heavy for I saw you tilt your head and shoulders forward but you quickly braced up again and looked around you warily. The place is filled with smoke from Jeeps and Tricycles. I know you’re not used to that. I bit my lip and scanned the place quickly, just so I could get you out of here.

I held the handle of your luggage, getting ready to pull it towards the street where the bus stops are. I haven’t seen it yet, nor have I been in this place all my life but I’m fairly sure that we’re going the right way. If not, then screw me, I know you’d be really disappointed and annoyed at me. You looked terribly tired and I don’t want to mess with directions right now. I should be sure.

I pulled your luggage but found myself glued to where I was standing. You held my arms into a halt, I quickly turned around worriedly, praying that we’re both safe, especially you. You just nodded at me while you pushed my hand away from your luggage, claiming the handles completely yours. I just wanted to help, I looked at you, words forming in my mouth but then I disregarded the idea and walked on. I could hear the small wheels of your luggage rolling above the rough cement, your faint footsteps and your sigh.

Was that the start of your disappointment? I can’t help but wander as I clutched the bag swung over my shoulder. I wanted to look back and see for myself, probably see how your face looked like when you’re sad, or mad, or worried, or what I fear most the entire time, disappointed. But I didn’t look back, I tried to concentrate on the way ahead of me, find the damn bus stations and maybe relax a bit. Because I’m quite certain that as long as I hadn’t found a place wherein you could put down those heavy bags, you would keep your lips in that same frowning thin line.

I never thought that you’re the silent type as I am, but then again, I’m like this when I feel awkward, and this silence is damn straight awkward, the more I should stay silent. I’m not sure if talking might cheer you up or worse, annoy you even more. I just kept my mouth shut, still scanning the place that I’m completely, strangely unfamiliar of. Considering that this is my country and you’re just some foreigner walking behind me, I should know better. I prayed for some luck, I badly needed them, I know.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Reverie - One

I don't know what you feel about me but you know I'm scared. You did kiss me the first time we met, at the airport, just like what you've promised. You smiled at me and held my shoulders. I don't know how to look at you, my head is tilted upwards although I don’t want you to see my face completely. I always think I’m not that beautiful and I’m afraid you’ll also think that. Looking that way, I blinked several times slowly absorbing it all in. Your well-chiseled face and clear complexion, your brows and the eyebrow piercing, your chin, and facial hair slowly growing back again. Then I looked down when I realized how different I am compared to how you really see me. I might not be the way you think I am every time we would talk online. I always tell you that. But I don’t have the guts to ask what you feel about me, not right now, at least not yet.

I still remember the kiss. I doubt I’ll ever forget that. It was the first time somebody kissed me that way. It’s just so soft, warm and it’s pleasing. I never imagined someone would actually kiss so sweet, like that. I hope I didn’t disappoint you by not moving at all. I was frozen and for a moment my whole world stopped. Even I can’t feel my own heart beating, although it’s drumming so hard within my chest. My hands were shaking when I held your sleeves while you pulled me up to a tiptoe, your hands wrapped around my waist. I didn’t know what gave you the urge to kiss me deeper because I’m still as a statue but I could feel your warmth completely inside my mouth. I felt like I’m breathing the air you breathe and I felt like melting down mixing myself to you when you pulled me closer and held me tight.

You’re not much of a talker. And I was too shy to blurt out words that would make a decent sentence. We have different native tongues and I believe I’m not too good in saying yours completely. I know it’s the only way to make us closer, by talking. But I just walked by your side while making our way out of the airport and into my friend’s car. Twice I glanced at you, when people are swarmed all over us that it’s almost impossible for you to see me staring. But then again, I knew that you know I’m looking at you because I saw the curl of your lips, something that gave me the idea that you don’t like being watched.

I still couldn’t believe that you’re with me. You’re a real person, a really good-looking person with bright blue eyes sitting in the backseat looking tired and defeated. My friend won’t stop nudging me when we first put your baggage in the trunk and until now that I’m seated at the passenger’s seat, she would still poke me and eye me playfully. I can’t help but smile at her, but I do it only when you’re looking away or when your eyes are closed. I don’t know if you like being next to me, or close to me. I wanted to sit beside you and rest my head on your chest but my mind flashed your face in disagreement. I quickly shook off the idea and stared blankly on the road ahead of me. I was surprised I felt tired and sleepy when I know my excitement is still bubbling inside of me and I imagined you already asleep. The cold and the dark is very cozy, even I could doze off any second now. I turned around to take a glance of your sleeping face but when I did I saw you staring at me, your eyes the color of the ocean when dawn breaks. And then you smiled.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Because I said so.

Now why do you have to always interrupt me when I'm talking?
It's alright if you interrupt me with a kiss, but you don't.
Haha, very funny.

And no, I don't think that's cool.
I said I don't think so.

OH WTF, why are you asking me?
You're not going to listen to what I'll say anyway

Why don't you just go *bleep* off and play your video games like what you always do every single minute of your life.
Stop talking to me.

You can't?

Oh shut up.

Now why won't you stop talking?



(I swear I'm going to scream if he doesn't stop)

(Oh good, he stopped)

Can I talk now?

(He said sure and shrugged)

You aren't willing.

Holy *bleep*.

Now he's shouting at me. >_>

>I shouted back

Okay, that was so *bleep*ing random.
Where did my brain go?

Naw really.
He's too addicted to his games and I hate it. =(
He does nothing but play his PS3 every single day. T_T
Um, yea we talk everyday too...but..but..

Oops, I mean, um, DAT PS3 IS A BASTARD!
(I hope he's not stalking me)

(So much for a dramatic wanna-be quarrel that will never happen anyway)

I laughed a lot today
And then coughed a lot afterwards
Which isn't good
Because everybody looks at you dirtily when you cough in public
I was like,
oh wow, now I have a fever and a cold

and you don't know the feeling of isolation when people start to cover their noses as if you're a big germ created to unleash the world's most fast circulating flu that I'm not sure if I even have, no I'm fairly sure I don't have it. now why won't I just stop sneezing and coughing so they'll mind they're own business and leave me alone. please, spare me your freakin' dirty looks now don't blame me.


oh no oh no oh no oh no
(I ate too much sugar T_T)

There really is nothing to say. Just wanna try if I remembered my password here correctly and I did. YES.

Now Imma' GTFO. :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nikki's a lame Villain

There are times that you could be caught up into something that you wish you haven't interfered. Not that I'm saying I did, but, well I guess let's just say I almost fell into it.

Point One: I did interfere.

Two: I am not caught.

There was this arrogant prick that I've talked to months ago, I'd say I haven't got the hang of how he treated me ( not that serious, he just said that I'm a girl who doesn't know a thing about what he and my friend are talking about so I shouldn't talk) Aye, he really is a prick.

When I found this utter coincidental chance of getting my revenge, I took hold of it and scared him. He towers over me so much, I think he could crush me so I don't think that he'll take me seriously, dang, what can an emotional crybaby do?

I could say that I'm not understood well most of the time for he ran away and spilled my threat.
I was spanked hard for it.
Not that hard actually, but still scared me shitless.

We only talked for hours in a single day, and all of those happened just like chapters in an open book. He said I'm pretty, he guessed things I kept secret hands down, made me laugh for things he said I never heard from anyone, even from the closest of my friends.

I already said I'm sorry ( yea, already learned my lesson >_>)
My apology's accepted.
He's not an arrogant prick after all.
And I'm just horrible at acting like a villain.

But I don't want it to end.
One night of clueless, pointless, chattering gave distraction.
And I would gladly exchange most of my sleep for some distraction.

I doubt he'll come back, I think I did scare him with my ruthless villainy. Too bad.