Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reverie - Two

My friend dropped us somewhere I’m not too familiar with. But I know where to go and what to ride. I don’t know a lot of places but trust me, I’m never lost. Your backpack must be heavy for I saw you tilt your head and shoulders forward but you quickly braced up again and looked around you warily. The place is filled with smoke from Jeeps and Tricycles. I know you’re not used to that. I bit my lip and scanned the place quickly, just so I could get you out of here.

I held the handle of your luggage, getting ready to pull it towards the street where the bus stops are. I haven’t seen it yet, nor have I been in this place all my life but I’m fairly sure that we’re going the right way. If not, then screw me, I know you’d be really disappointed and annoyed at me. You looked terribly tired and I don’t want to mess with directions right now. I should be sure.

I pulled your luggage but found myself glued to where I was standing. You held my arms into a halt, I quickly turned around worriedly, praying that we’re both safe, especially you. You just nodded at me while you pushed my hand away from your luggage, claiming the handles completely yours. I just wanted to help, I looked at you, words forming in my mouth but then I disregarded the idea and walked on. I could hear the small wheels of your luggage rolling above the rough cement, your faint footsteps and your sigh.

Was that the start of your disappointment? I can’t help but wander as I clutched the bag swung over my shoulder. I wanted to look back and see for myself, probably see how your face looked like when you’re sad, or mad, or worried, or what I fear most the entire time, disappointed. But I didn’t look back, I tried to concentrate on the way ahead of me, find the damn bus stations and maybe relax a bit. Because I’m quite certain that as long as I hadn’t found a place wherein you could put down those heavy bags, you would keep your lips in that same frowning thin line.

I never thought that you’re the silent type as I am, but then again, I’m like this when I feel awkward, and this silence is damn straight awkward, the more I should stay silent. I’m not sure if talking might cheer you up or worse, annoy you even more. I just kept my mouth shut, still scanning the place that I’m completely, strangely unfamiliar of. Considering that this is my country and you’re just some foreigner walking behind me, I should know better. I prayed for some luck, I badly needed them, I know.