Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Butchered Tale of Lola Lopez and Douglas pt. 2

‘I saw what I saw!’ Lola argued with the waitress who served her sundae.

'Look miss, if you don't believe me, why don't you order another bowl of sundae? You're hallucinating.'

'I am not. I saw you pour nuts into my sundae.' She said gritting her teeth and then mumbled, 'hate nuts, hate nuts.'

'Why don't you dig down your sundae? I swear you can't find a trace of nut in there.' The waitress eyed her again sharply as she walked back inside the counter. Lola scrutinized her sundae carefully, scared that she'd turn red as a tomato and itchy as fungi.

She kept blabbering and looking at the waitress as she pretended to be pissed after she finally realized that the waitress was right, the creamy coast was clear, no nuts in sight. When the waitress had gone to tend to customers, Lola wolfed down her sundae and stuck the last piece of cherry inside her mouth after a minute or two. As she got ready to stand up and leave, she pulled out a flask hidden at the back of her jeans, like a gun, and gulped the contents.

'I know you saw me.' A man's guttural voice said at the back of her neck, which made her shiver in surprise.

Lola gasped. Even if she was dumb, she wasn't stupid. She couldn't figure out the difference between the two but she pointed out in her head that the words were not similar. Anyway, Lola knew that it was the man who hunted her; Andy, the stout angler who works part time in the grocery where she tried to shoplift a bottle of whisky. He finally caught her!

'I swear I didn't intend to steal that whiskey, it-it jumped into my grocery bag.' She breathlessly explained.

'I'm not talking about that, fatuous. Hypothetically, you saw me while you were sitting below the northern sky where the big dipper is resting all year round. I noticed you amused yourself with its perplex circumpolar attribute. Don't disavow it.'

Lola had a sudden migraine. Every word the man said was like small needles piercing her brain. 'What the fuck are you talking about? If it's not about the whiskey, then go away.' She massaged her temples as she walked away from the man whom she noticed wearing a thick black trench coat with the collar raised up, obscuring the full view of the man's face.

'Halt.' The man painfully seized her arm. 'Wherever you are going, I will not authorize it.'

Lola's memory finally did her some justice for she remembered the night she was looking at the stars. Come to think of it, it was just last night after all. She mentioned it to some people in the apartment where her tired legs managed to take her before she passed out. When she woke up, she had a brand new empty brain, like a nutshell devoured of contents. Now that she remembered it clearly, her heart raced. All that registered in her head was that the guy holding her was a bad man. A criminal. A murderer.

'Let me go! You're a killer!' She screamed out loud enough that people walking outside the diner looked past the translucent glass walls made opaque by the print of the diner's name. Douglas let her go in panic after people started studying him suspiciously. He stormed outside as if he didn't know or care about Lola.

Lola knew he’d return to get her. And she'd rather be damned than to let his dirty shaky hands touch her again. Her teeth were chattering as an icy feeling engulfed her, puncturing every inch of her skin with fear. Her head ached because it was the very first time she thought about a lot of things and planned what to do next. Plan. The word gave her excitement and migraines. After an hour or so, she was inside her trailer, packing her things up.

She banged the metal doors of her trailer close after she pulled her knapsack behind her. When she wasn't able to latch the door in a hurry, she decided not to and immediately walked away. Before she turned on a curb, she noticed a man's head bobbing up and down in the bushes, probably trying to conceal himself. She grew alarmed and ran. When she looked back, the man was gone.

'Hah. Stupid fool.' She mumbled. Just then she bumped into something hard and wondered why she didn't see the wall coming. All the hair in her body stood up in fear when she felt sturdy arms trapping her. It wasn't a wall, it wasn't a pole, it was Douglas.

'Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!' Came Lola's screeching scream.

'Silence! I kill you!' Douglas voice came so small and strained but he felt proud because he was digging Achmed. Douglas thought he looked like him except for his afro hair.

Moving on, Lola managed to kick Douglas' crotch with her ultra mega stainless steel pointed heels that made Douglas scream in pain and roll down the sidewalk. Lola ran at full speed, without looking back in case there were walls or poles blocking her way. Her sore feet brought her to the harbor where she saw a sparkling yacht. She jumped in and thought she might hide there for a bit or until her brain would do a miracle and start working. She hid in one of the cabins and relaxed. But every cell in her body jumped up in panic when the motor roared. In minutes, the yacht cruised the deep blue. When she peeked in the circular window of the cabin door, she saw a man with an afro behind the wheels.

Douglas and Lola were in the yacht. She knew she would be dead, and then she passed out.