Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Butchered Tale of Lola Lopez and Douglas pt. 2

‘I saw what I saw!’ Lola argued with the waitress who served her sundae.

'Look miss, if you don't believe me, why don't you order another bowl of sundae? You're hallucinating.'

'I am not. I saw you pour nuts into my sundae.' She said gritting her teeth and then mumbled, 'hate nuts, hate nuts.'

'Why don't you dig down your sundae? I swear you can't find a trace of nut in there.' The waitress eyed her again sharply as she walked back inside the counter. Lola scrutinized her sundae carefully, scared that she'd turn red as a tomato and itchy as fungi.

She kept blabbering and looking at the waitress as she pretended to be pissed after she finally realized that the waitress was right, the creamy coast was clear, no nuts in sight. When the waitress had gone to tend to customers, Lola wolfed down her sundae and stuck the last piece of cherry inside her mouth after a minute or two. As she got ready to stand up and leave, she pulled out a flask hidden at the back of her jeans, like a gun, and gulped the contents.

'I know you saw me.' A man's guttural voice said at the back of her neck, which made her shiver in surprise.

Lola gasped. Even if she was dumb, she wasn't stupid. She couldn't figure out the difference between the two but she pointed out in her head that the words were not similar. Anyway, Lola knew that it was the man who hunted her; Andy, the stout angler who works part time in the grocery where she tried to shoplift a bottle of whisky. He finally caught her!

'I swear I didn't intend to steal that whiskey, it-it jumped into my grocery bag.' She breathlessly explained.

'I'm not talking about that, fatuous. Hypothetically, you saw me while you were sitting below the northern sky where the big dipper is resting all year round. I noticed you amused yourself with its perplex circumpolar attribute. Don't disavow it.'

Lola had a sudden migraine. Every word the man said was like small needles piercing her brain. 'What the fuck are you talking about? If it's not about the whiskey, then go away.' She massaged her temples as she walked away from the man whom she noticed wearing a thick black trench coat with the collar raised up, obscuring the full view of the man's face.

'Halt.' The man painfully seized her arm. 'Wherever you are going, I will not authorize it.'

Lola's memory finally did her some justice for she remembered the night she was looking at the stars. Come to think of it, it was just last night after all. She mentioned it to some people in the apartment where her tired legs managed to take her before she passed out. When she woke up, she had a brand new empty brain, like a nutshell devoured of contents. Now that she remembered it clearly, her heart raced. All that registered in her head was that the guy holding her was a bad man. A criminal. A murderer.

'Let me go! You're a killer!' She screamed out loud enough that people walking outside the diner looked past the translucent glass walls made opaque by the print of the diner's name. Douglas let her go in panic after people started studying him suspiciously. He stormed outside as if he didn't know or care about Lola.

Lola knew he’d return to get her. And she'd rather be damned than to let his dirty shaky hands touch her again. Her teeth were chattering as an icy feeling engulfed her, puncturing every inch of her skin with fear. Her head ached because it was the very first time she thought about a lot of things and planned what to do next. Plan. The word gave her excitement and migraines. After an hour or so, she was inside her trailer, packing her things up.

She banged the metal doors of her trailer close after she pulled her knapsack behind her. When she wasn't able to latch the door in a hurry, she decided not to and immediately walked away. Before she turned on a curb, she noticed a man's head bobbing up and down in the bushes, probably trying to conceal himself. She grew alarmed and ran. When she looked back, the man was gone.

'Hah. Stupid fool.' She mumbled. Just then she bumped into something hard and wondered why she didn't see the wall coming. All the hair in her body stood up in fear when she felt sturdy arms trapping her. It wasn't a wall, it wasn't a pole, it was Douglas.

'Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!' Came Lola's screeching scream.

'Silence! I kill you!' Douglas voice came so small and strained but he felt proud because he was digging Achmed. Douglas thought he looked like him except for his afro hair.

Moving on, Lola managed to kick Douglas' crotch with her ultra mega stainless steel pointed heels that made Douglas scream in pain and roll down the sidewalk. Lola ran at full speed, without looking back in case there were walls or poles blocking her way. Her sore feet brought her to the harbor where she saw a sparkling yacht. She jumped in and thought she might hide there for a bit or until her brain would do a miracle and start working. She hid in one of the cabins and relaxed. But every cell in her body jumped up in panic when the motor roared. In minutes, the yacht cruised the deep blue. When she peeked in the circular window of the cabin door, she saw a man with an afro behind the wheels.

Douglas and Lola were in the yacht. She knew she would be dead, and then she passed out.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Butchered Tale of Lola Lopez and Douglas pt. 1

A Brief introduction of Miss Lola

Many considered Lola Lopez the hottest girl in town. Her being a cheerleader by day and a stripper by night was common knowledge to every folk and it wasn't a big deal anymore. It was before, but people fairly understood that Lola wasn't capable of doing anything, not even serve coffee in a local diner. Her spilling breasts are always a distraction. Every clothing she wore seemed to lack threads, buttons, and yes, cloth in general. They judged her of having a pea-sized brain and that the only thing she could do was shake her booty all day and night long which wasn't bad at all, since every town needed some sort of an eye candy like her.

She wasn't Jewish but she wore a necklace with the Star of David. She had a tattoo of Super Mario on her right bicep and wore the usual cheerleader outfit: red with yellow and black stripes. Unlike normal pretty girls in campus, she wasn't envied partly because her whole being was needed to exist, like water, like rain, like mercy from heaven's gate.

Nobody knew where Lola came from. All they knew was that Lola has pure Spanish blood running through her veins and that she had a funny accent that never changed although she had lived in an American community since she was a child. Somebody claimed that Lola was left by a travelling carnival because she refused to do cartwheels and hoola-hoops (again, the only thing she was good at). Aside from her irresistible looks, her dark long lashes, her pouty red lips and her perfect body to die for, she was a weight in the group because she couldn’t do anything productive and she wolfs down food like a construction worker after a long day's work.

Though Lola earns a fair amount of money, she lived off with bargain groceries in wal-mart, lived in a trailer, couldn't buy dog shampoo for her stinking dog Cinderella (which was a male), and was contented in hitch-hiking to get across the county and back. A barista whom she used to date confessed that it was because Lola loved to smoke pot and alcohol was her best friend. She could make the manufacturer of a beer rich even if she would be its only customer for she drinks 12-16 bottles a day, which she claimed good for her body as she heard a doctor said to drink the same amount of water a day. Nobody knew why she never got a beer belly. Some jealous bikers with bulging tummies asked, and she answered them with pride. "I am anorexic!" People of hearing distance just rolled their eyes for it is aforementioned that she eats more than an average male does. Nobody can understand Lola, some tried and they ended up trapped inside their heads, their bodies in asylums.

Where the story began

After dancing naked inside a life-sized cocktail glass filled with pink liquid, Lola walked towards Kilometer 87 to wait for a ride. When she couldn't get a ride for an hour, because it was already fifteen minutes past three in the morning, she took off her high-heeled sandals and walked but immediately slipped them back on and removed her skirt. That way, she thought, someone would take notice of her and give her a ride. Although she was cold and her feet were full of blisters, she walked on like a model, brandishing herself on the concrete road she imagined to be an international runway.

After the fourth time she fell down, which was after her tenth step, she gave up and sat down the concrete road. In front of her was an old closed down gasoline station. She took great joy in watching the stars, completely ignoring a suspicious man walking around the dark establishment. To amuse herself, she played a game of finding objects in the sky. She has never done it during the day, which was what normal people do; finding shapes of things in the clouds. Instead, she had fun doing it on the stars. After what seemed like ages, she saw something unusual. A baby.

Not in the dark night sky of course, that would be impossible.

She watched a suspicious man carry the baby around the gasoline station. He laid the baby down and removed his pants. The lights over the unusual two flickered as she watched with great concern and curiosity. But since she had a very short attention span, she smiled up in the sky again, amused as if she saw a colorful butterfly.

When she heard a voice of a man grunt and whimper, she looked towards the direction of the gasoline station. What she next saw surprised her. The man was holding up a sharp shiny dagger aimed at the baby lying down in front of him. The tight grasp of the man on his dagger was like the way she held men's dingdong. Later on, that was how she explained what she saw to people so no one believed her nor took time to even listen to her.

Lola saw the dagger go up and down, the way she jacked off Bobby Smith last week. The dagger ripped into the baby, one limb after another was cut off. She covered her mouth, trying not to vomit. Finally, she reacted the way a normal person with feelings would do. She gave out a muffled cry, and when she couldn't contain it, she burst out crying and wailing while running away in fear of the man who took notice of her. And she was sure she knew who he was, he was the only man in town who had never touched her not because he couldn't pay but because of other unexplainable reasons you couldn't trust her to know. Anyway, she was sure as hell it was the geek Douglas.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Feeling Good

No matter how much I listen to this song playing on repeat, it doesn't change how bad I feel right now. I should definitely change just like what the song constantly tells in my head, like some chant or mantra. But as I try to do it, something really sharp pierces my heart, making it so hard to breathe that all I can do is pour all my tears out.

Yes, I think I love you. But you don't.

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Reeds driftin' on by you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
blossom in the trees you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Reverie - Three (cont.)

I'm not sure if I should turn around to look at you. But it would be rude if I don't answer, you called me after all. But then again, I don't want you to see my flushed face. I don't know why but my cheeks heated up when I remembered the first time we saw each other at the airport. That moment seemed like a dream, one that I had always thought about in my head weeks before you scheduled your flight. The feeling back then was like the one that only happens in some creative minds, one that cannot be deemed real and I feel no realness at this moment. I'll be sad but relieved when I wake up and finally realize that this is just another figment of my imagination.


Your inquiring voice stopped me short. Geezus. This whole thing brings me too much paranoia. If you hadn't flown all the way here, I'll just be resting at home with nothing in mind but my imaginations of you. Now that you're here, I'm stressed as hell, not knowing how I would please you.

I turned around to answer.

You asked me how long we'll walk because your feet are killing you. Not sure of where we are myself, I just looked ahead and assured you that we'll be there at the bus station soon. I apologized for making you go through such struggle but we both know that I can't take you home. My life ends after this, truth be told. I asked you if I could help you with anything. I looked at your heavy bags and figured maybe I could at least carry one not taking into consideration my luggage. Well, we're staying in a secluded beach for two weeks, it's justifiable.

I'm so relieved to see you smile after you said that you can still handle it. I breathed a puff of air before continuing to walk forward, wishing that the bus station isn't that far from here. I feel guilty. Like every weight on his shoulder is also causing so much distress on me. On top of the decision I made to turn my back against my family, just so I could be with him. It's a huge risk because I believe that this is just a short-term, I bravely tried and dipped in without thinking of the consequences. All because I love him.